Ono-ha Itto-ryu practices begin with review of the fundamental postures of this school of kenjutsu.
Reishiki (ceremonial etiquette) begins and ends each session of kumitachi, the combative forms of kenjutsu..
Kiri-otoshi is the defining technique in Ono-ha Itto-ryu.
Ono-ha Itto-ryu is a dynamic and aggressive style of classical Japanese swordsmanship.
The practice of kenjutsu develops in students a strong and focused spirit.
Mark Hague Sensei instructing the kenjutsu-kai during a visit to our dojo.
Mr. Orcutt closely observes two students practicing kiri-otoshi drills.
Practicing kenjutsu is tremendous fun, for women as well as men.
Seigan-gamae, the posture “aiming at the eye,” a fundamental stance in Ono-ha Itto-ryu kenjutsu.
Mark Hague Sensei acting as uchikata, the “attacking” side in a kumitachi.


Ono-ha Itto-ryu is recognized as the oldest of many kenjutsu schools that developed from the original teachings of Ito Ittosai Kagehisa, the founder of Itto-ryu. Itto-ryu has its roots in Chujo-ryu, which is one of the three primordial sword traditions of medieval Japan. As such, Itto-ryu is one of the most influential martial arts in Japan’s history. The Ono faction of Itto-ryu (Ono-ha), was named after Ono Jiroemon Tadaaki (1565–1628), Ittosai’s designated successor and a renowned swordsman in his own right who was selected to be an instructor to both the second and third Tokugawa shogun. 

Though migrating from Tokyo to Hirosaki in northern Japan and then back to Tokyo, the art has been passed on through successive generations to the present day in an unbroken lineage. The headquarters of Ono-ha Itto-ryu is the Reigakudo dojo in Tokyo, Japan—Yabuki Yuji is the 18th and current Soke (headmaster) of the ryu and the third head of the Reigakudo.

A video of Yabuki Soke demonstrating the first five techniques in the art can be viewed here. Note that there are several videos in this series, as well as multiple videos of formal demonstrations by members of the Reigakudo.

Our Ono-ha Itto-ryu study group is authorized under the auspices of the Reigakudo, and our classes are led regularly by Mark Hague Sensei, the most highly-ranked practitioner of mainline Ono-ha Itto-ryu outside of Japan. Hague Sensei provides leadership, technical oversight, and direction to the study group — his martial arts career has spanned over 42 years, 19 of those years training in Japan. He started Ono-ha Itto-ryu in the Reigakudo under Sasamori Takemi in 2002 and was awarded the Kanajisho license (mokuroku) in 2009. As a certified instructor (shidosha) of the Ono-ha Itto-ryu America Branch, he teaches Ono-ha Itto-ryu on behalf of the Reigakudo in classes, seminars, and demonstrations in the United States.

As a member of the kenjutsu class you will have opportunities to train with the Soke and senior-most instructors of the ryu, in Japan or domestically during their seminar tours in America.

Members of our kenjutsu class are also members of the Reigakudo. Admission to the kenjutsu class is a separate matter from admission to the dojo, and at the sole discretion of the kenjutsu group leaders. Members of the kenjutsu class wishing to accumulate credit for training time and be eligible for promotions and/or licenses pay a $100 initiation fee and $200 annual dues to the Reigakudo (exact amounts may vary based on exchange rates at the time).

A distinct characteristic of Ono-ha Itto-ryu is the use of onigote, the heavy gauntlets that can safely absorb full-power strikes of a bokken, the wooden swords used in kumitachi (paired, combative forms). The onigote allow students to practice safely at full speed and power, helping to develop a realistic sense of timing, distancing, and targeting against a live partner. We have multiple pairs of onigote available for students to use in their regular practice. 

Ono-ha Itto-ryu classes are held Wednesdays and Fridays from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m., and Saturdays from 12:00 noon to 1:30 p.m. The Saturday class is for advanced students. Persons applying to train in Ono-ha Itto-ryu must be aged 14 years or older. The required uniform and equipment can be ordered online or obtained through the dojo.

Call or email today for an appointment and come see for yourself — visitors are always welcome!