Sword and Spirit, the Journal of Itten Dojo

Sword And Spirit

June 2024 — Self-reference

May 2024 — Nihon Jujutsu Update

April 2024 — March Madness

March 2024 — Small Victories

February 2024 — Ukemi: A Comparison

January 2024 — To JMAC in Winter

December 2023 — Toy Swordsmen?

November 2023 — A Road Less Traveled

October 2023 — An Evening at JMAC

September 2023 — My Narrow Path to Itten Dojo

August 2023 — Why Nihon Jujutsu?

July 2023 — Waka of the Eishin-ryu

June 2023 — More Milestones

May 2023 — Hydration and Training

April 2023 — The Power of Words

March 2023 — Tatami Tales

February 2023 — The Art of Letting Go

January 2023 — Kagami-biraki 2023

December 2022 — Looking Back, and Ahead

November 2022 — Back to JMAC

October 2022 — Preparation, Revisited

September 2022 — Reflections...Our 30th Anniversary

August 2022 — Chinese Medicine and the Utility of Acupuncture

July 2022 — An Illuminating 4th

June 2022 — The Dojo Superstar, or the Talented Destroyer

May 2022 — Renzoku-waza Drill

April 2022 — JMAC Pilgrimage

March 2022 — The Frog in a Well

February 2022 — Momentum

January 2022 — Kagami-biraki 2022

December 2021 — Why Iaido?

November 2021 — Break the Stalemate! Overcoming Tsuba-zeriai

October 2021 — The Silliness of the Equality Assumption

September 2021 — Long Stance Stepping

August 2021 — Shinrai — Principles of Trust

July 2021 — Problem Solving in Programming and Budo

June 2021 — The Dojo Compared to an Embassy

May 2021 — Kata in Koryu Bujutsu — The Physical Embodiment of Edo-period Samurai Philosophy

April 2021 — Introduction to Aikijo — The Four-foot Staff in Sanshu-ho Aiki-budo

March 2021 — Kata and Application in Sanshu-ho Aiki-budo

February 2021 — Budo Culture an excer

January 2021 — Reigakudo Retrospective

November 2020 — The Conditioning Set

October 2020 — Lessons from Joe Lewis

September 2020 — Deflecting Strikes (Part Two — Modern Applications; Aikijutsu and Aikido)

August 2020 — Deflecting Strikes (Part One — Traditional Applications in Aikijutsu)

July 2020 — Kenjutsu and Movement (Part Four — Gyaku-tai)

June 2020 — Kenjutsu and Movement (Part Three — Tsugi-ashi)

May 2020 — Kenjutsu and Movement (Part Two — Fundamentals and Applications)

April 2020 — Kenjutsu and Movement (Part One — The Foundation)

March 2020 — Kihon Suburi (Suwari-ho)

September 2019 — What's the Point?

June 2019 — Ukemi 201 — Teaching the Solo, Aerial Breakfall

May 2019 — Tachi-dori Ude-garami

February 2019 — Ukemi 101 — Applying Lovret Sensei's Method

September 2018 — Tachi-dori Kiri-age

August 2018 — A Weekend with JMAC

July 2018 — Breathing and Bowing

June 2018 — 21st Century Kenjutsu

April 2018 — Myths of Self-defense

March 2018 — Benefits Beyond Technique — Posture & Movement in Aikijutsu

February 2018 — A Habit of Achievement

January 2018 — “Fight, or Quit!”

December 2017 — You Can Do This — And Why You Should

November 2017 — Why Train? The Martial Arts are Fun!

October 2017 — Prep 101 — Self-defense is More than Fighting

September 2017 — The Traditional Ways

August 2017 — Giri — The Burden of Obligation

July 2017 — Why Form Matters — A Means to Shape Yourself

June 2017 — Aphorisms, Perspectives, and Observations

May 2017 — Stupid, Stupid, Stupid...

April 2017 — “Be the Change” — Ironic Application; Important Lesson

March 2017 — What You Bring and What You Surrender

February 2017 — “Spiritual” Budo — Martial Arts and Spiritual Development

January 2017 — Transformation in the Traditional Martial Arts

December 2016 — Why Martial Arts are Good for Women

November 2016 — Reishiki — Wellspring of Mindset

September 2016 — Ukemi — The Most Useful Self-defense

August 2016 — Breathing — You’re Probably Not Doing it Correctly

July 2016 — The Gold Watch